Yes. A cake will rise from steam alone, as long as your mixing method creates enough bubbles before it goes in the oven. The normal mixing method for a sponge cake involves whipping the eggs and sugar, and then folding in flour and fat. If you do this, the cake will still rise, whether you add baking powder or not.
The only other thing you could use would be beaten egg whites. You would have to experiment with it to find a recipe that worked. Very little flour, oil or other ingredients that would weigh down the finished product. I may play around with the idea and will get back to you if I come up with something.
You can not make cupcakes without some form of leavening ingredient. Baking powder is generally used, however if you do not have baking powder you can make your own if you have corn starch, baking soda, and cream of tartar.
To do this use one quarter the amount of baking soda to the amount of baking powder called for in the recipe, use an equal part of corn starch and double the amount of cream of tartar. For example if your recipe calls for 1 teaspoon baking powder instead you can use 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon corn starch and 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar.
the purpose of baking powder in a cake is to make it rise and not make it flat and if you put too much of baking powder your cake might burst in the oven/microwave what ever you use
it helps make a cake!
In other to make honey cake it need the volume from baking powder to raise and also baking powder help the cake to form the the honey comb mixture.
Use a cake-like dough that uses baking powder for levening.
to make it rise and be less dense
to be safe, 6g
SugarFlourEggsMilkBaking PowderButter
Make one with each. The baking powder will perform better.
Baking powder is not a gas, but it does make a cake rise by releasing carbon dioxide into the batter through chemical reaction.
Because it increases the shape of the Cake it becomes delicious and tasty
It's not the milk alone that makes a cake rise. If the recipe includes milk it probably also contains either baking powder and/or baking soda. This combination of a base (Baking soda or Baking Powder) and an acid (milk) causes a slight chemical reaction which causes the cake to rise.