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Q: Can you make a video by writing a story?
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Related questions

What does a writer do to make a video game?

A writer writes the story of the video game.

How do you make reaction paper?

writing what you understand about the story

What is the career called when you help make the story for a video game?

A person who writes or helps write the storylines for video games is called a game writer. If you do a search for this on the Internet, you will find some great websites/resources that will give you advice on how to make game writing your career. Good luck!

Why do you make a one page story into a thirty page story?

By writing 29 more pages.

How do you make your writing fun to read?

You make your writing interesting by keeping up the tension and conflict and by interspersing humor throughout the story.

Is creative writing the same as a story writing?

Creative writing is not necessarily writing a story. It means just what it seems to. Fictional story writing is a part of creative writing though.

What is writing a story?

it is writing your imagination down and telling a story to whoever reads it

What is story writing?

Writing a story means making up a tale and putting it onto paper or into a computer. Here are some more links about story writing.

Im writing a story and need a storyline any ideas?

You can't be writing a story if you don't already have a story line!If you get a story from someone else, you'll be writing their story, not yours. Click on the link to see how writers get story ideas.

How does one make money writing short stories?

You can enter writing competitions for short stories. Biggest way -- sell the story to a magazine or anthology!

What type of sentence is I'm writing a story?

I'm writing a story is a declaration, a statement.

How do you go about writing a story about oranges for a child?

First, make a list of everything you know about oranges. Then, write a good story. Click the link to see how.