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The chinchilla is not native to Australia, and currently there are no plans to allow importation of chinchillas.

The only chinchilla you will find in Australia is the bush town of Chinchilla in Queensland's western Downs.

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13y ago

you can have a chinchilla anywhere as long as you have a cool place to keep it. but as far as the law goes, im not sure if its illegal to have them in Australia or not.

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How many types of chinchillas are there?

there are 3 types of chinchillas there are 3 types of chinchillas

Are chinchillas endagered?

No Chinchillas are NOT endangered.

Are chinchillas cool?

yes chinchillas are cool

What is the solution to the chinchillas?

Stop talking about chinchillas! Theyre not interesting and no one cares! Kill the chinchillas that is the solution

Do chinchillas make better pets than rabbits?

No chinchillas are aggressive and rabbit can too but not as much as chinchillas!

What order do chinchillas belong to?

The chinchillas order is rodentia.

What are chinchillas used for?

chinchillas are used for their soft fur.

What are chinchillas predadors?

Chinchillas main predators are humans.

What chinchillas habit?

chinchillas come from the mountains in chili.

What people discovered chinchillas?

A lot of people discover chinchillas. But chinchillas home place is South America, I think a lot of people in South America discover chinchillas.

Can asthmatics have chinchillas?

Yes, a chinchillas hair is hypo-allergenic.

What is the chinchillas habbitat?

a chinchillas habitat is in the shade near trees