Yes. Owning a wallaby is completely illegal. Regardless of local laws in North America, it is actually illegal to own a wallaby anywhere. Many people do not realise this, especially when irresponsible websites advocate ownership of pet wallabies.
The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismanagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.
Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.
why resale price maintenance is illegal in Canada
Black coral is an endangered species and it is illegal to bring it into Canada and the US.
yes. Bribery in Canada is illegal. The law for bribery in Canada is roughly the same as in England **** Bribery is illegal in Canada, depending on the context. Attempting to influance a legal decision by a judge, cop or government official is illegal. However, bribing the door man of a restaurant to be seated faster is not.
no it illegal
It is illegal to own a spider monkey in many locations, but there are some places where it is legal.
only if it's a monkey...
If it was illegal to own a monkey in Alaska, then why are they adopting them out in Anchorage, Alaska. So, yes. They are legal.
Capuchin monkeys do not make good pets, and oftentimes resent their owners. It is illegal to buy, sell, or own a Capuchin monkey in New Zealand.
Well if you consider children or your mother a monkey, then yes.
No, not even with a permit, its illegal in Pennsylvania
It is illegal to own monkey in NY. They are wild animals.
Is it legal for you to have a brain.. Who the hell would want a capuchin monkey.. They bite scream and you would devote your whole life to raising them. There are no breeders in Canada only the U.S. and it's illegal to import them. Have fun with all the scares they leave on your body flick face.
Know it's not illegal to own a pet squirrel in Canada, but some wild squirrels can have rabies or other diseases.