you can but i wouldn't recommend it. a healing tattoo feels much like a sun burn so heat will not be pleasant.
kid? how old are you? don't get a tattoo. It's permanent. If you do get a tattoo, get a Henna tattoo. They go away after a while
On you.
yes they will go over it
Go and talk to a local tattoo artist about the process.
Depends on when you go the tattoo. It takes 6 months for a tattoo to heal believe it or not, and within that healing period DO NOT TAN! It is really bad for the tattoo. It could cause fading, ghosting and color leaks. After your tattoo is all healed just double check with a tattoo artist to make sure its all healed, healing times vary by how well your skin accepts the ink. Then you can go tanning, but I suggest you use a special tanning lotion to help prevent fading of the tattoo. If you want your tattoo be remain vibrant longer I suggest you don't go tanning at all.
Yes you can, I go to sauna about 6 times a week.
Sauna doesn't affect your melasma discoloration in anyway, but it is not good idea to go to the sauna when pregnant.
You should rather just go to a real sauna instead.
I do sauna first, then swim for an hour, then sauna again after excercising.
Go in a sauna.
You can find a guide to building your own sauna when you go to the websites of SaunaFin, The Home Sauna Center, Street Directory, as well as Build A Sauna, etc.
No worries, it should calm down after you come out. If it is also itchy, go see a doctor and don't go to the sauna for a while.
There are health risks that go along with entering a sauna. Individuals who are sick, suffer from fainting spells and pregnant should not enter the sauna.
No reason why not. Getting piercings doesn't exclude anyone from taking a sauna !
you go to the tattoo shop and get it tatted.
Sauna suits are not meant to be worn in sauna. You are supposed to be naked in there.
No. In Finland and my friends here in Sweden use the sauna every day. It does not affect your hormones.