If you don't know already, look up what alliteration means. If you do know already, you should be able to answer yourself (or your homework, if that's the case) easily.
certain Confident
Leslie lives logically.
Leslie lives logically.
In context with what is written: She is confident with the new task. (adjective) She spoke with great confidence. (adjective)
assured, self-confident, positive, assertive, self-possessed, self-reliant,
There were too few menus in the venue.
Dialogue is darned difficult to do sometimes.
The advancing adroable looked absolutely adorable.
Bugs bother beleaguered badgers.
The soaring skydivers swept along the sky.
I love the word Alliteration
Alliteration is hard.
I need to complete my self review evaluation, but are not sure how to word it. Can you give me some samples of self rating comments?
Formerly, Fred felt faint. Fortunately, Fred feels fantastic.
"battered beatitudes" would be an alliteration of the word broken.
Alliteration for toast
I need to complete my self review evaluation, but are not sure how to word it. Can you give me some samples of self rating comments?