Yes, especially if you are having short cycles. By implantation bleeding, I'm thinking you mean implantation of a fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus. In any case, any time you have unprotected sex you run the risk of becoming pregnant.
No. If you are pregnant and having bleeding you should see your doctor. Implantation bleeding only occurs during implantation not a month after.
No but you can have implantation bleeding
Yes! It may be implantation bleeding rather than a period. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for a period.
sometimes you can tell but you can be on your period and still be pregnant
you might be pregnant
I'm not sure I'm in the same situation I had Implantation bleeding 11 days after my period then 2 weeks after I got my period so I'm not so sure. I wonder If people who have periods while pregnant get Implantation bleeding right at the beginning Pink Princess
Yes if you have implantation bleeding it means that you are pregnant.
Could be implantation bleeding. If it is your actual period then it's unlikely that you are pregnant.
Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation.
Implantation bleeding = you are pregnant!
Implantation bleeding typically occurs 6-12 days after conception when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. Bleeding 2 days after your period ends is more likely residual menstrual blood. If you suspect pregnancy, consider taking a pregnancy test a few days after the bleeding stops to confirm.
Probably not,unless what she thinks is her period is actually implantation bleeding.