Yes. An intrauterine device is a very reliable form of contraception but it is not absolute.
There are no side effects of having your tubes tied and leaving an IUD in place. There is no pressing need to remove the IUD if you have other pregnancy protection.
There is nothing in the IUD that will stop you from ovulating and having a menstrual period.
Yes, you can take prenatal vitamins while an IUD is in.
No Hannah Montana was never preagnant it was just rumors
It would have to be. The IUD is in your uterus, where the baby grows and lives in you for 9 months. Having the IUD in there could possibly damage or kill the baby.
Not likely but yes. My sister got pregnant with the IUD in and she had had it for over three years.
There is no need to remove the IUD before (or after) having your tubes tied. Leaving it in will ensure continuous protection.
It is not normal to feel the IUD at all. If you are having pain or cramping, see your health care provider.
Just had the LEEP surgery... They had to take out the Mirena because of the string...Now I have to pay over 800 just to get a new IUD put in.