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depending on the state you live in you COULD get insurance without owning a CAR. Ask your insurance professional about it.

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Q: Can you get car insurance without having a title?
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Can you sell a car without having a title for it?

I know in MA that the title is considered a legal document. You are not allowed to sell a car without the title.

Can i have a car and title under my name and be added to my fiance's insurance policy without the car legally becoming his?

yes, the insurance policy is different from the car title (title is government, insurance is business) in most states, if you live together, you are both required to be insured on the car.

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What can happen in case of an accident if a car was insured without title?

title has no effect. insurance takes precedent.

Can you get your car in your name without a license?

i pay out my car but i still need to change the title ,i have insurance but not a license can i still transfer the title in my name?

Can you buy a car not having insurance?

Even if you buy a car without insurance,it is advisable to arrange insurance immediately before plying on the road. Also, the Registering Authority won't allow the registration of the car without valid car insurance.

Can you get car insurance without a title?

I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes from different comapnies: INSURANCE-QUOTES-FREE.INFO

How can you register a car in Tennessee without a title?

Yes, just need proof of insurance!

Can you get car insurance without a car to insure?

No. Remember that insurance follows a vehicle first, operator second. So, without having a car to insure, no rate can even be detected to begin with.

Can you drive off a car lot in the state of Tennessee without having car insurance?


Can you have insurance on your car without having a drivers license?

Yes, you just can't drive the car.