YES Toxic shock syndrome Okay, this person is a little bit over the top ^. Using a tampon has been associated with TSS but if you take it out within 6-8 hours of putting it in, you SHOULD be fine, although there is always a chance, but although it is a serios illenss, it is also very rare.
Yes - tampons commonly cause infections as they provide the perfect place for bacteria to thrive, prevent vaginal cleaning, and effect vaginal pH - the longer you leave tampons the longer you allow bacteria to multiply without allowing your vagina to clean itself, thus the higher the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) and vaginal infections.
Yes, tampons do commonly cause infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis.
Tampons keep menstrual flow in contact with the vagina which makes vaginal pH less acidic so more favorable to harmful bacteria, prevent vaginal cleaning, and encourage bacterial growth - thus high risk of Bacterial Vaginosis and also Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Correct use of changing every 4-6 hours and alternating with pads can reduce risk, as too can using cotton tampons.
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is not an infection as such, it occurs when certain strains of bacteria multiply and start producing toxins, these toxins can entire the body via vaginal tears caused by tampons and if you lack immunity these toxins overwhelm the immune system.
Yes, tampons are a common cause of vaginal infections.
Tampons create the perfect environment for bacterial growth: warm, moist, porous, oxygenated, filled with nutritious menstrual flow, and tampons aren't sterile so can introduce bacteria into the vagina. The vagina is naturally acidic to kill harmful bacteria but by keeping blood in contact with the vagina tampons can contribute to changing vaginal pH so it's more favourable to bacteria, furthermore by plugging-up the vagina tampons prevent bacteria being cleaned out the vagina.
Tampons thus commonly cause vaginal infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis - this is also why you can experience bad odour as a result of using tampons, and why tampons can lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Risks are increased with improper use such as wearing tampons too long or using tampons throughout your period without alternating with pads, rayon tampons also increase risks.
Yes, tampons commonly cause vaginal infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis.
Tampons create the perfect environment in which bacteria can thrive, while also preventing your vagina from cleaning itself as it would normally - thus excessive bacterial growth can result in vaginal infections, as well as issues like Toxic Shock Syndrome. Commercial tampons also contain chemicals that can interfere with vaginal pH and flora so increase risk of vaginal infections even further.
Tampons are also not sterile, only sanitary, thus they can contain bacteria before they're inserted if they are not stored in a clean, dry, cool place or if you insert tampons without cleaning hands first.
No, tampons don't give bladder infections. The tampon string on conventional tampons can allow bacterial growth and if it's close to your urethra it may pose a slightly increased risk of UTI's. Tampons also commonly cause vaginal infections, which can increase risk of UTI's slightly. One of the biggest causes of UTI's is commercial pads, if using tampons you should be alternating with pads but it's best to use organic cotton pads or cloth pads.
Yes, tampons can commonly cause vaginal infections and are linked to TSS.
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is where certain strains of bacteria multiply and enter the bloodstream where toxins produced by the toxins overwhelm the immune system - TSS can be fatal. Vaginal infections are also common with tampon use, such as Bacterial Vaginosis, tampons create the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive and prevent normal vaginal self-cleaning self-defensive functions.
No but tampons do.
Don't use tampons if you still have a yeast infection, or any other vaginal infection. Tampons increase risk of vaginal infections, so if you already have an infection or chance of still having an infection, it may increase. It's best for you to use pads and pantiliners for the rest of your period rather than tampons.
Monistat is used to treat vaginal infections - tampons should never be used during a vaginal infection. Tampons are a major cause of vaginal infections as they encourage harmful bacterial growth, prevent vaginal cleaning, and effect vaginal pH - thus could make your infection worse or trigger another infection, using tampons when your vaginal flora i sout of balance also increases risks of toxic shock syndrome. The treatment needs to be allowed to readjust your vaginal flora and flush out, tampons prevent this.
absolutely not. Tampons are when you have your period, to stop the bleeding. If you want sexual pleasure, try vibrators, or "dirty" movies. Maybe even hand movements aswell. Not tampons
no. just tampons
A vaginal infection as a result of tampon use is no different from any other vaginal infection, most commonly tampons cause bacterial vaginosis which symptoms include a fishy odour and excessive watery discharge.
No, tampons shouldn't be worn if you have an infection.Tampons are a major cause of Bacterial Vaginosis - they provide bacteria with the perfect environment to multiply, effect vaginal pH, prevent vaginal cleaning, and many brands contain chemicals that effect vaginal flora - they can thus cause infection during menstruation and following menstruation due to long-term effect on pH balance. Using tampons when you already have an infection would potentially make the infection far worse, and significantly increase risk of TSS.
You should only ever use plain pro-biotic sugar-free yogurt in the vagina.Note: The only time you'd need to insert yogurt into your vagina is if you had a yeast infection or to prevent a yeast infection, as tampons are a major cause of infection you shouldn't use tampons at this time - tampons shouldn't be worn if you have an infection, nor should they be used if not menstruating. If you need to insert yoghurt vaginally try freezing the yogurt in ice-cube trays.
Go see a doctor! SOONEST! Tampons in too long can cause TSS, which can be VERY BAD.
Yes, a male can give a yeast infection to a woman.
No, tampons should not be used a few days after a miscarriage and there's no reason to use tampons as you will not be menstruating at that time. During miscarriage tissue from the pregnancy needs to be expelled, the cervix is more open so you're at higher risk of infection and TSS - thus using tampons would be very dangerous. If you still have bleeding then use pads or period underwear.
No shampoo from any reputed manufacturer will give you infection. On the contrary it will prevent scalp infection by washing out the bacteria.