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Absolutely, it happens all the time.

My advice to you: Just say no.

Resist the peer pressure, do your research, find something else to do with your time. There is always a better option. Good luck :)

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Q: Can you get addicted from one time cocaine use?
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What percent of the people who use cocaine for the first time get addicted to it after their first try?


How many people who try cocaine get addicted?

Cocaine is extremely addictive; it is possible to use it once and not get addicted, but people who use it twice will almost certainly become addicts.

What is occasional cocaine use?

There is no such thing. Once used, you become hopelessly addicted. ______ That poster above is ignorant and his/her answer is totaly untrue. Occasional cocaine use is just using cocaine occasionally really. Just how it sounds. Doing it a few times a year, or once every month would be considered occasional use. If you're down to multiple times a week or more, than you are an addict and that's obviously no long occasional. You can be an occasional cocaine user and definitely NOT become hopelessly addicted. I have a friend who uses a half gram of cocaine every 3 weeks about, and he is not hopelessly addicted, and has gone months without doing it before. You won't get physically addicted if you stick to occasional use. But that's the thing most of the time, people are so mentally addicted to the feeling that it doesn't stay occasional for very long a lot of the time.

Is there any proof that babies born to crack-addicted mothers are physically addicted to crack and where can sources on this topic be found?

Mothers who use cocaine or crack cocaine while pregnant put their unborn babies at risk for all kinds of birth defects and health problems. However, a baby CANNOT be born addicted to crack (or regular cocaine), because cocaine (and crack cocaine) are not physically addictive. There is no such thing as a crack-addicted baby.

Addictive potential of cocaine?

Its about 3 days of repeated use before your fully addicted

When will people get addicted to cocaine after they use it?

It depends on the person. Some people claim to be addicted after one use. I have used cocaine maybe 10 times a year for the last 15 years on average, more when i was younger and now it's down to maybe twice a year. I never got addicted, but I also never used it for more than one day in a row. I am an addicted smoker, so I have the addiction gene, but cocaine just never took, thankfully. You'll know you're addicted when you're doing it regularly, be it every day or every weekend, even. Just like cigarettes. But of course by then it's too late. :)

Who to call when marijuana addiction?

Marijuana is a non-addictive substance. If someone is "addicted" to it, then they should check it for small white crystals. You can't be addicted to marijuana, but you can be addicted to cocaine. Some dealers "lace" their marijuana with cocaine to make it stronger. If there are no crystals and you still feel addicted, then its a mental addiction. With less use it will go away

Could legalizing cocaine help those addicted too it?

I do not believe that there would be any benefit in legalizing the use of cocaine. Cocaine does not have any benefits, and it can cause many issues with your health and particularly your heart. If it is an issue in your family, you should seek help for those affected.

You want to experiment with cocaine so how much do you buy for a one off experience?

It is not recommended to experiment with cocaine. The use of cocaine can have serious physical and mental health consequences and can lead to addiction. If you are struggling with substance use, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional or a support group.

How long does it take to become addicted to methamphetamine?

Many users report getting addicted from the first time they use it.

How much cocaine is used daily by an addict?

It depends on numerous factors, including how you define "addicted". A person may be physically dependent or psychologically dependent on a drug. An example of physical dependence is a heroin addict who has loose stools, cold sweats, hot flashes, body aches, nausea and other symptoms when heroin use is ceased. An example of psychological dependence is when a cocaine addict feels bored, like he has a void in his life, when he ceases cocaine use. The length of time varies between substances and individuals. Some people use drugs all of their lives and never become addicted. Others use drugs only for a short period of time and become addicted. Explaining this answer in full detail would result in me writing a book-sized post, so I will give a brief overview of a few highly addicted drugs. Heroin: Users typically become addicted after 5 days to 2 weeks of heavy daily use. Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, etc): Users typically become addicted after at least one month of daily use. Marijuana: Research is mixed on whether individuals actually become physically dependent on marijuana, with new research supporting that physical dependence occurs but does not present itself due to the long half-life of marijuana. Users typically develop some type of dependence for marijuana after near daily use for multiple months in a row.

Can cocaine come out on a mouth swab?

You pass the test easily if you don't use cocaine. Otherwise, only time can help you.