That depends whether you mean a puppy as in a young dog, or a puppy as in a baby hamster as they are also called puppies.
We keep turtle and snake in same class because both are reptiles.
They live in the same house that your webkinz(s) do.
It is not recommended to house a male and female hamster together in the same cage, as they can breed quickly and produce unwanted litters. It is best to keep them separated to prevent any potential aggression or mating behavior.
yes put don't let them together or the hamster will die
I think so because I keep my hamster in the same cage I kept my last hamster in. I dont know for sure so ask a proffesional
All you have to do is put the male and the female into the same cage. But you should keep an eye on them for they may fight or mate.
It is generally not recommended to have hamsters and cats living together. Cats are natural hunters and may see hamsters as prey, leading to potential harm or stress for the hamster. It is important to keep them in separate living spaces to ensure the safety and well-being of both pets.
Yes and No! If you have two snakes of the same size, and the same gender, it's OK. If you have a larger snake, it will eat or seriously stress the smaller snake. If you keep a male and a female together, make sure that they are at least 2-3 feet long, and relatively the same size.
No. They may fight. All petshops should / will keep them separate
For the same reasons it is OK to keep a TV in their house.
nope they will just make babies all the time