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no you can not

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11y ago

no. you skip your turn

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yes you can

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Q: Can you end uno with a draw 2?
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If someone sais uno out can you bring them back in with a draw 4 or 2?


Can you play a draw 4 on draw 4 in d game uno?

There are 4 draw 4 cards in Uno. Oh the Irony

What card game has Skip Draw and Reverse cards?

These cards are from Uno.

What game starts with a draw?

Uno starts with a draw

What happens after you give a draw 2 card to the player beside you in an uno game?

They must draw 2 cards and miss a turn, however if they have another draw 2, they can put this ontop and make the next person draw 4!

Why can't you finish Uno with a wild card or a draw 4 card?

You can finish Uno with those

How many wild card draw card are there in uno?


In uno can you end the game with a card other then a number?

Yes, the last card played in a round could be any playable card. If the last card played is a Draw 2 or a Wild Draw 4, the next player still must draw the appropriate number of cards before adding up his/her points.

In the game uno does a wild stop a draw?

yes a wild card can stop a draw and or a draw four card

Can a draw two card be placed on a draw four card in the game UNO?

No, if a draw 4 is placed, the player MUST draw 4, there is no way out of it. However if the player who placed the draw 4 has a card that is the current colour, you can challenge them, they then have to show there cards, if they do then they must draw 2, but if you are wrong you must draw 2 extra cards.

Is there a rule called double down in uno game for the draw 2 cards?

There is a commonly used 'house rule', also called Progressive UNO, that allows a player to counter a Draw Two card used against them by playing a Draw Two of their own on top of it. Then the next player has to draw 4 cards, unless they also have a Draw Two, etc. This can also be done with Wild Draw Four cards, but not a mixture of the two.

When did Mercatone Uno end?

Mercatone Uno ended in 2003.