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Yes people hunt and eat wolves BUT THEY ARE ALL SICK! People don't eat wolf meat rather eat cow meat.
There'll be an oddball somewhere that has tried anything, but as a rule - no. Carnivores can carry nasty parasites that can transfer to humans, so it's really not advisable.

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7y ago
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11y ago

Yes they can.

AnswerIt probably could kill and eat a human if it tried to but it wouldn't. Wolves do not attack humans and would hardly ever eat one. Did you know there is more chance of being hit by a meteor this very second than being attacked by a wolf any time in your life! It's a fact. So wolves are perfectly safe AND SHOULD NOT BE FEARED. AnswerWolves are timid around humans. They are usually only interested in keeping their distance. The mere presence of a human can drive them from a kill, which is probably the best measure of the the human-wolf relationship from the perspective of the wolf. People really have little to fear from this animal. But to say across the board that it will not attack is incorrect. And there is a long history of intermittant attacks on people by wolves.

A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on wolf attacks.

AnswerAs long as they are in low numbers, and are occasionally hunted, wolves are not dangerous to humans. They become dangerous to humans when their natural prey runs out, and they begin moving around human settlements. At this point, their long exposure to human environments causes them to lose their timidity. This is only worsened in areas where killing wolves, even habituated ones, is prohibited. Victims of non-rabid wolves are usually children. This is confirmed by historical attacks from Europe, and modern accounts in India. In the latter nation, hundreds of children have been killed by man eating wolves, all of which were documented by trained biologists.
Oh, sure.

While attacks on humans by wolves are rare, an wolf can certainly eat a human. For a single animal, it wouldn't be able to eat it all in one go though.

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14y ago

Of course you can eat wolf. It is in the canis genus and Asian cultures have been eating dog for centuries. However, I would use caution when eating wolf as it is a wild animal and may carry rabies or other such diseases and can even in some cases carry anthrax, so naturally it would be a good idea to cook it thoroughly before consuming.

The rule of thumb is never eat an animal that eats an animal. It isn't 100% but it is the military's survival thing.

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12y ago

Yeah, probably.

Wolves are scared of humans, but if they have pups and you come too close they'll probably attack. If you go right up to one at any time they'll probably attack, so don't go up to one.

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7y ago

While attacks are rare, they do sometimes occur. Click this link for a list of such attacks in North America.

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13y ago

I'm pretty sure that yes you can, but you would have to kill it first. But its a mammal so I don't see why not.

Its wrong to eat wolves

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7y ago

no we kill them but not eat them
yes as meat. like indians do and some indians not all. but we eat wolves too some of us so yes.

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12y ago

only 10% that a wolf will eat a human. in other words no. wolfs will probably just eat another animal rather then you.

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13y ago

humans do eat wolfs

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The only mammal who eats wolves are humans!thats right we eat wolves!

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