I wouldn't eat it......
If a turkey breast has a sell by date of 2 days ago, it may still be good to eat. The general rule of thumb is that if the turkey is fresh and has been stored unopened in the refrigerator, it will last for up to 2 days past its sell by date.
If only a few days past it will be safe. I commonly use up to a week past if it looks good.
Several factors. Does it have a useby date? If so, if it is past it, do NOT use it. If you're less cautious or if it does not have a useby date, does it look discoloured or smell funny? If so, do NOT use it.
Your mums vagina when its past its sell by date!
can you drink a unopened bottle of cider 6 months past its sell by date
This was Kroger brand bread that was marked up from .98 a loaf to 2.99 a loaf and was also 2 days past the sell-by date.
Centres which sell or give away food past it's best before date
If you are not a child or a pregnant woman, then it mightbe safe to eat refrigerated fish one day after the use by date... but I wouldn't go past that.
Centres which sell or give away food past it's best before date
it depends how long it out of date if its only 1 to 3 days out of date then yer