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Yes. You can drown in as little as one inch of water.

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Q: Can you drown in the shallow end?
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Why can you not consume alcohol at a pool?

Alcohol impairs your judgement... you are more likely to drown or have an accident like breaking your neck from diving in the shallow end.

When was Out of the Shallow End created?

Out of the Shallow End was created in 2007.

What are the rules of water polo?

some rules can not touching the ball with two hands, not touching the wall, not touching the floor on the shallow end of a pool. CAN NOT DROWN OPPOSING PLAYERS well at least not in front of the referee.

What is a good title for a song based on genes?

How we are. This is me. What you are looking at. "I came for a shallow gene pool, but my parents didn't drown".

What does No river is shallow to a manwho can't swim mean?

A man will drown in a teaspoon of water if he fails to learn how to swim

How do you use shallow in a sentence?

"The swimming pool has a deep and and a shallow end." "You cheated at the card game, it shows how shallow you are."

What is an example sentence with the word shallow in it?

I always stick to the shallow end of the pool.The bath was shallow.He was always a shallow person.

How do you make a sentence with shallow?

Here are some sentences.The river is shallow here.Go into the shallow end of the pool.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Shallow End - 2001?

The cast of The Shallow End - 2001 includes: Michael Ormond Robinson Olivia Wearne

Who would win fight between a crocodile and an elephant?

An elephant would crush a crocodile on land and in shallow water. In deep water, the elephant would drown.

How do you use the word shallow in a sentence?

The pond was very shallow, only reaching up to my ankles.

Make a sentence with the word SHALLOW?

"The guardiya at the pool nag said that yung kid na tay at the shallow the end."