

Best Answer

Milk can affect the absorption, but not enough to worry about it. This may not be true of other antibiotics, so be sure to check the actual medication that you are taking.

"Previous studies [Jackson et al. 1980] have shown that the bioavailability of Augmentin is not affected by food. The present work has shown that aluminum hydroxide, milk and cimetidine do have some influence on the bioavailability of a single dose of oral Augmentin, but the small differences observed are unlikely to be of therapeutic importance. It is concluded that Augmentin may be administered in clinical practice with any of these substances."

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Q: Can you drink milk with augmentin?
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Can one drink milk whilt taking augmentin?

Yes, it is okay to drink milk while taking Augmentin. Sometimes antibiotics can cause an upset stomach and so it is actually recommended to drink milk with this medication to try and avoid being or feeling sick.

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It is generally safe to take Milk of Magnesia with Augmentin 875mg, as there are no known interactions between the two medications. However, to be sure, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider or pharmacist before combining any medications.

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Can Agumentin Antibiotics taken with milk?

Yes Augmentin (Clavulin) (Amoxciilin + clavulanic acid) can be taken with milk. Dairy products won't affect this antibitic effectiveness.

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No, they can only drink their mother's milk.

Can you drink red bull on augmentin tablets?

yes. Red Bull is only sugar and caffeine. No harm