with enough money, time and dedication yes. it will be tremendously expensive though.
1998 2wd What year? 2WD or 4WD? 2WD 1996
Nope it is 4WD you can change the settings to 4WD & 2WD
Change the tail shaft of the tranismission from a 4WD tail shaft to a 2WD tail shaft and use a 2WD tail housing.... The 4WD transmissions has shorter tail shafts and tail hounsing, while the 2WD has a longer tail shaft and tail hounsing.
make sure that trans is in N if that dont work turn car off then shift to 2wd or 4wd
you can if you change or swap the output shaft and remove the tail housing. the inspection cover is also different on the 2wd vs the 4wd and will not give the added strength when bolted on like the 4wd does.
For all practical purposes converting a 2wd to a 4wd is not do-able on any car. Manufacturers realize that some people might be tempted to retrofit a 2wd to avoid paying for the 4wd option at vehicle purchase; and that such modifications could present a safety hazard, so design vehicle substytems to prevent user modifications of drive train from happening. Almost invariably, the cost to make such a change would far exceed the cost of selling the 2wd and purchasing the 4wd. Additionally, the engine systems modifications would exceed the capabilities of any average 2wd owner.
An encoder motor is the part that engages the change between 4wd and 2wd.
Linkage is probably sticking or seized
The base model is 2wd. They also made "synchro" models that are 4wd.
2wd, absolutely!
4wd or 2wd? If 4wd yes but if 2wd no!
Some are 4wd, some 2wd, and some are awd.Some are 4wd, some 2wd, and some are awd.