A person may carry a concealed, loaded handgun without a permit while in or heading directly to a car they own or control.
No, it is not against the law, while carrying your gun in the state of Texas, you should conceal it.
Within the constriants of Texas law, yes. Contact your local police for specifics.
Jack Ruby could get any license he need, with ease.
You can carry a gun in TX if you have a permit
Yes, if you have a Texas concealed handgun carry permit, or a permit from any state with which Texas recognizes reciprocity, you can carry a concealed hangun in Texas.
Generally speaking, yes. In order to get a gun permit in any state, you must meet whatever requirements the specific state sets forth. Check the Texas state website for more information.
If you have a gun permit, yes, as long as you are somewhere where it is otherwise legal to have the gun.
yes your car is an extension of your home