There is no law in pa that states you can't carry a concealed weapon into a bar. There are states where it is illegal but pa isn't one of them.
Schools, courthouses, Federal property, Post Office, jails and prisons. Many states do not permit carry in a bar or church.
Assuming the concealed weapons permit is legally recognised, you may then carry said concealed weapon with you wherever you go. However, some areas allow the property owner to ban concealed weapons from their property; if they can and have done so, you must obey such restriction, or risk being kicked out. Additonally, it depends on the state. Each state makes its own laws regarding handgun carry permits. In some states, it's legal to carry inside a bar but in some states it's not legal. For instance, Mississippi law allows permit holders to carry in restaurants that serve alcohol, but not in an establishment considered a saloon.
In certain counties you dont even need a permit. Happy shooting!
It depends on local state laws. In some states, yes. In some states, no, but it also depends on the weapon. For instance, in TN, it is currently illegal, even if you have a permit, to carry a handgun into a bar or restaurant that serves alcohol (athough that is likely to change shortly), however, it is not illegal to have a knife (as long as the knife is otherwise legal).
Each state has their own concealed carry laws. It would depend on where you are. On the whole, it's my humble opinion that alcohol and guns are a pretty dumb combination.
Ohio State Bar Association was created in 1880.
what are the restrictions to carry a concealed weapons in florida Improving answer: a good website for each state's gun carry laws is www dot hand gun law. Or something like that. There's a website out there with color-coded maps, summaries of each state's laws, lists of places that are 0ff-limits even to people with gun carry permits, and other useful info. I have a Georgia gun carry permit and we have reciprocity with Florida. So when I go to Florida, I can carry, but I have to obey all Florida's rules and laws when in that state, even if they're different from our Georgia laws that I'm used to. For example, in Florida the gun has to stay CONCEALED, not carried openly and exposed (unless you're actually on the firing line at a range). And in Florida, you can't carry a gun in a park (it would be legal to carry in a park in Georgia, with a permit). Florida also bans civilians with guns from going to a bar or that portion of a restaurant that is used as a bar. So you can eat at Applebees as long as you sit at a regular table, not on a stool at the bar. There may be other important things to know about Florida's gun carry laws. It's worth looking into.
You can't carry a handgun in bars or the "bar area" of a restaurant in Florida. I'm not sure about government buildings or sports arenas or other places like that. I heard that parks were off-limits to firearms, but then I heard that was changed or repealed. If you might take your gun to a state or city park, check out the law for yourself before you go. And remember that Florida requires you to keep your handgun concealed. No "open carry" even with a gun carry license.
As far as I am aware, it is legal, as long as the knife is not concealed. Say, if you had a ka bar with an exposed leather holster, it would be fine. There are laws against selling knives to minors, though, so be prepared with an explanation to a passing police officer asking where you got it from. Sources: I was just reading about it on a VA state police website. Also, I have a friend who studies laws like these.
We have no idea what state you are in. Laws vary place to place.