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Yes. As long as your charge was a misdemeanor and not a felony. You may have a delay in your ability to actually take the gun home if the background checkers decide so. But eventually you should get the gun.

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Q: Can you buy a gun with a simple assault charge?
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Can you buy a gun if you have a assault charge?

No! Actually, that depends on where you are and what the charge is. In the U.S. any felony will prevent you from buying a gun legally, but misdemeanors do not, except for misdemeanors of domestic violence.

Can you own a gun if you have an assault charge?

As long as it wasnt a felony charge you can

Can you buy a gun in Ohio with a past OVI and misdemeanor assault charge?

Will depend on convictions, not charges. If the assault was a conviction of a charge of violence against a domestic partner, you may not buy or possess a firearm anywhere in the US. Period. This is covered under Federal law, not state.

Can you buy a gun if you have an assault charge in Michigan?

Depends on whether it's a misdemeanor or felony charge. If it's a felony charge, the answer is going to be no. If it's related to a domestic violence matter, the answer will also be no, whether it's a misdemeanor or felony charge.

Can you own a gun with a indesent assault charge?

You need to get a lawyer to find out.

Can you buy a hand gun in Florida with a simple assault on your record?

Depends on what you were convicted of. If the assault was a felony, no. If the assault was of a family member, that is considered "domestic violence". FEDERAL law- not state- bars such a person from possessing any firearm in any state.

What if there is only two people saying you had a gun but no gun was found but you was charge with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon?

Get a lawyer

What is the punishment for shooting at someone with a BB gun?

It depends on the circumstances and the history of the suspect, but potentially, it will be the same charge as assault with a firearm, aggravated assault.

How old do you have to be to buy a gun in virgina?

18 to buy a rifle or shotgun, 21 to buy a handgun or assault rifle.

Do you lose gun rights by simple assault?

I'm not very positive on this answer, but I'm pretty sure its only a convicted felon who loses his/her gun rights. So as long as the charge they convict you of isn't a felony, I'm pretty sure you still have gun rights. Now don't go out and buy a gun just yet, because like I said I'm not positive about this answer, so you might want to do some research on your own to verify this, but I think this is the case

What is the legal age to purchase a gun in California?

The legal age to buy a gun depends on the type of gun it is. For an example, to buy a rifle or shotgun(excluding assault rifles) you must be 18 years of age. To buy a handgun you must be 21.

Can you get a gun with 4th Degree simple assault on your record?

Assuming you are in the US, the answer is- maybe. If the assault was of a family member, it would be classed as Domestic Violence- which is a bar to possession of a firearm.