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Q: Can you be arrested and charged for spitting on someones grave?
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What are some traditions to leave at someones grave?

you can leave flowers

What is a grave dancer?

you dance on someones dancing on yours right now.....ksdhslkhfdhg...your dead body talking

What does it mean to call on someones grave?

It means to visit the graveside of someone who has passed away to pay your respects to someone who has meant something to you in your life ; To lay flowers at a grave .

What is done with the dirt after a grave is dug?

I think they save the dirt until the time of someone being buried. If not then they leave the grave open and chuck the dirt and get fresh at someones buriel.

What does solemnly?

In a grave and sedate manner. In other words to be polite. If I shook someones hand solemnly I would shake their hand politely.

What happens if you mix rum with cornmeal and pour it on a grave?

You would probably get arrested for desecrating a grave... If nothing else it is littering, possible trespassing and against most cities and counties laws

What does Shivering and walking over someones grave have in common?

Some people say that when some spot is colder than another it means your walking through a ghost

Why cant a person living in Ohio be buried in the state of New York?

Yes but if you are caught, you will be charged with murder if the person dies in the grave.

Can your spouse who has a felony for a weapon be around you if you have a ccw?

If there is weapon in the home she is in grave danger of being charged with "possession" of a firearm, and YOU could also be charged as an accessory for knowingly allowing her to have access. It is NOT necessary to actually have the firearmn ON youir person to be charged with possession, mere 'ready access' to it serves as the prohibiting factor.

How long do you have to file a police murder report?

There is no statute of limitations on Murder.Added: If you have knowledge of a grave offense such as this and delay, or fail, in, reporting it, you could be charged with a criminal offense yourself.

What are homonyms for grave?

Homonyms for "grave" include grave (serious or somber), grave (burial site), and grave (to dig).

What do you mean grave?
