If you suffer from sore throats, you may experience anything from a scratchy feeling to intense pain, notes MayoClinic.com. Other symptoms include difficulty swallowing, a hoarse voice, swollen glands and a dry throat. Time and home treatments to ease the pain are usually the best remedies for sore throats caused by something other than bacterial infections. Licorice root is one traditional herbal therapy for sore throats.
A shot of whiskey measures 1 1/4 oz.
6g per 1.5oz shot.
There are 56 calories in a shot of Whiskey - approximately 25 grams.
A standard measure of whiskey is typically 1.5 ounces. This is equivalent to approximately 1 shot of whiskey.
Whiskey is usually 75 cal a shot, but I never heard of " light " whiskey, unless you mean the color, and the color makes no difference. If you are pregnant, no alcohol is the generallyaccepted rule.
By volume, no. By standard serving (1 can beer = 1 shot of whiskey) they are equal.
Yes. The whiskey will be gone after 2-3 hours.
There is no sugar or fat in whiskey.
While a flu shot will not be effective against any active flu symptoms it will protect against the other flu strains contain in the shot. Flu symptoms such as high fevers, upper respiratory problems should be controlled but the flu virus in a shot is a 'dead' non-active virus and should not affect or cause any current virus.