What animal will vegetarians eat?
Most vegetarians do NOT eat animals.There are many types of vegetarians. Vegetarian is merely a way of describing one's diet. All vegetarians eat vegetables, fruit, and grains. Below is a list of what certain types of vegetarians eat on top of this.Vegans: just consume vegetables, fruit, and grains and grain products that do not include eggs, gelatin, or other animal by-products.Ovo-Vegetarians: Also eat eggs.Lacto-Vegetarians: Also consume milk and milk products (milk, cheese, cream, yogurt, ...)Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarians: Also eat both eggs and milk products.Pollo-Vegetarians: Also eat poultry (and usually eggs)Pesco-Vegetarians: Also eat fishQuasi-Vegetarian: Eats vegetarian meals occasionally.