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Q: Can the opium alkaloids in poppy's dissolve in butane?
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What are Opium?

Dried latex that comes from the opium poppy, which contains morphine, which is used to make heroin

What plant contains many different alkaloids and is the source of opium?

The plant that contains many different alkaloids and is the source of opium is the opium poppy, known by its scientific name Papaver somniferum. Opium from this plant is a narcotic drug that contains compounds such as morphine and codeine.

Is their a difference between poppy seeds and sesame seeds?

Opium seeds are poppy seed, but there are different species of poppies only a few of which produce the sap that is rich in opium alkaloids. Most species of poppy produce only insignificant amounts of opium alkaloids.

What has the author Hugo Martin Krueger written?

Hugo Martin Krueger has written: 'The pharmacology of the opium alkaloids' -- subject(s): Morphine, Opium, Physiological effect

What is the chemical structure of opium?

Opium itself is not a single drug or chemical, and does not have its own distinct chemical structure. Instead, opium is a "cocktail" of different drugs (opiate alkaloids) which all occur in the plant's resin naturally. There are many different active substances (alkaloids) found in the resin (opium latex). The main psychoactives are morphine, codeine, and thebaine, however, there are many others. Each one of these opiate alkaloids has its own unique chemical structure and properties. Each one also acts independently on the central nervous system (CNS) when opium is ingested, but they all produce (somewhat) similar effects which compliment each other. So basically, opium is just a mixture (or "cocktail") of several different drugs known as opiate alkaloids. They are all found in the opium poppy's natural "latex" or "resin". This resin is eaten, smoked, made into tea, or chemically processed to separate each alkaloid for drug production (whether legally for pharmaceutical purposes, or illegally for illicit drug manufacture). You should research the different chemical structures of all of opium's different alkaloids. The main alkaloids of interest are, again, Morphine, Codeine, and Thebaine. However, there are many other alkaloids, but the effects of these may be much less, different, or inert (inactive). I hope that I have given you (and others) a better understanding of opium's nature. Just remember that opium is NOT one drug or substance. It is simply a latex (or resin) from the plant's seed pods that contains several drugs.

What i opiate?

Opiate describes any of the opioid analgesic alkaloids found as natural products in the opium poppy plant

What elements are in opium?

Opium contains various alkaloids, including morphine, codeine, and thebaine. These alkaloids are responsible for its psychoactive effects and medicinal properties.

Why does your blood have no opium if you are taking opium?

opium is a latex mixture of alkaloids such as morphine, codeine and thebaine just to name a few. opium is therefore a mixture and when you take opium these drugs are metabolised into compounds such morphine. This means that if they gave you a blood test they would find morphine and other things on the same lines of that but not opium as opium is a mixture of drugs not an actual individual drug

Was the blue flower in batman opium?

No, poppies look quite different to the flower in "Batman Begins." Also, the effects are quite different. The alkaloids in opium do not produce fear, in fact they produce the opposite - sedation.

Which part of the opium plant contains morphine?

Morphine is primarily found in the latex sap of the opium poppy plant's unripe seed pods. The opium poppy's seed pods contain a milky liquid that contains morphine as well as codeine and other alkaloids.

What drug is made from poppy seeds?

opium Using poppy seeds in foods such as bagels, etc are now not counted by your doctor as opiate use due to the level of result from a urine/lab test (from a gas chromatograph). Unfortunately, large use such as the "poppy seed, pineapple juice with bromalain formula" will test as morphine use. This will elininate you from any opiod regime your doctor is treating you with!

Which pain relieving drug is taken from the poppy?

In medicine, drugs derived or synthesized from alkaloids of the opium poppy plant are known as opiates. Morphine and codiene are examples of opiates.