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If the daughter has been found to be a unfit mother along with the father of your grandchild, he can apply for custody but so can you. Otherwise the child will end up in foster care or with another relative, maybe on the fathers side. If however the teen parents have no problems the court would not give him custody. Teen parents have at 16 the same rights to their child as adults do.

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Q: Can the father of your 16 year old daughter take my grandson?
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I don't know your situation, but you can do anything as long as both parties agree. What I mean by both parties is mother and father. If mother and father agree, and the 16 year old wants to live with her father for a year, then it is OK. If the parents do not agree, then a court hearing may be necessary to hear both sides and decide what is best for your daughter. Being that your daughter is 16, she will have some say in court as well.

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He is your father and if he decides to do that than that is fine.