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As starch is something which the body wishes to hold onto, the nephrons in the kidney have small pores which stop larger particles like starch and also blood cells from escaping, while water and salts do. For this reason, the dialysis machine works in the same way.

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No, because start molecules are too big to fit through the tubing.

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Can hydrogen ion pass through the pores of dialysis tubing?

No.Hydrogen ion cannot pass through the pores of dialysis tubing.

Can oxygen pass through pores of dialysis tubing?

Yes, oxygen molecules are small enough to pass through the pores of dialysis tubing. This allows oxygen to diffuse into the dialysis tubing from a surrounding solution or environment.

Was the membrane-tubing-permeable to starch?

No, the membrane tubing was not permeable to starch, as starch molecules are too large to pass through the pores of the membrane. Only smaller molecules like glucose and water were able to pass through.

To Which substances was the dialysis tubing permeable?

I don't know unless you give more details!

Why is dialysis tubing not submerged in pure water?

The tubing is permeable; itallows water to pass through the tube wall.

What is dialysis tubing supposed to mimic?

The dialysis tubing is meant to represent the semi permeable membrane of a cell. Like the cell membrane, dialysis tubing has holes or pores that only allow certain things to pass through. A cell membrane similarly will only allow certain things to pass in and out.

What will and won't pass through a visking tube?

Cannot pass through visking tubing: sugar starch lactose sucrose Can pass through visking tubing: Iodine Glucose Maltose

What is the components of blood that cannot pass the dialysis tuning?

First of all, it is called Dialysis Tubing. Secondly, they are not 'Components', they are 'Contents'. Thirdly, only small molecules can pass through the semi-permeable membrane of the tubing, if using Diffusion. If using Osmosis, only water can pass through.

Do sodium ions pass easily through the pores of dialysis tubing?

No, sodium ions do not pass easily through the pores of dialysis tubing. Dialysis tubing is selectively permeable, allowing small molecules like water and ions to pass through while blocking larger molecules like proteins. Sodium ions are relatively small and can pass through the pores, but not as easily as other smaller molecules.

Why can starch molecules not pass through dialysis tubing?

Starch molecules are too large to pass through the pores of dialysis tubing. Dialysis tubing has small pores that restrict the passage of large molecules like starch while allowing smaller molecules like water and ions to pass through via diffusion.

How is dialysis tubing similar to a small intestine?

Both the dialysis (cellulose) tubing and the small intestine are selectively permeable. Meaning they allow only some and not all substances to pass through. E.g. Glucose (small molecule of sugar) is able to pass through, however Starch (larger molecule of sugar) fails to do so. Hope this helps

What cellular structure is the dialysis tubing representing in this lab?

The dialysis tubing in the lab is representing the cell membrane of a cell. Like the cell membrane, the dialysis tubing is selectively permeable, allowing only certain molecules to pass through based on size and charge. This setup is used in experiments to study osmosis and diffusion, which are also important processes regulated by the cell membrane.