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Q: Can someone taking about 4mg of suboxone a day have an injection of demerol?
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Can you take Demerol while you are taking Suboxone?

Sure, but it won't have much effect.

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Why would a drug test show up negative for Demerol if you are taking it?

Demerol (Pethidine) does not show up in a standard urine test due to reasons to complicated to explain. Every time you see someone say that demerol (Pethidine) will show up in a urine test are wrong. Take it from me. I have been taking demerol (Pethidine) For 3 years and not once has it ever shown up on a opiate urine sample. I even had a test one day 2 hours after taking 300mg of it. The only way it is detected is by testing for it in a lab environment.

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Yes. There are no known drug interactions when taking suboxone with prednisone.

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If you're taking suboxone and try to shoot up heroin can it cause hives around the injection site?

No, but the Buprenorphine will probly keep that heroin from feeling worth it. If your taking Suboxone and your still putting a needle in your arm you have more worries than hives around the injection site. . .I agree, but would also just like to add that heroin in general can often times cause hives around the injection site. I could never figure out if it was the type pf Heroin, where it was injected, did some leak out around the vein etc. I do know that opiates cause a general raise in hystamine levels which cause hives.

Is it safe to take alteril and suboxone?

I have been taking lamictal and suboxone for 22days now and this is what was prescribed to me so as far as I know its safe, I have had no side effects.

If your taking Demerol with other medications what can happen?

ask Micheal Jackson.....