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Yes, the word 'shock' is both a noun and a verb.

The verb 'shock' is to cause surprise, upset, or Horror; to apply a jolt of electricity; a word for an action.


The EMT used a defibrillator to shock the patient's heart. (verb)

Velda likes to shock her classmates with her wild antics. (verb)

The shock of her death left the family in dismay. (noun)

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4mo ago

Yes, "shock" can be a verb. As a verb, it means to cause someone to feel surprised or upset by something unexpected. For example, "The news of his resignation shocked everyone."

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How can you change the word shock into a verb?

The word 'shock' is both a noun (shock, shocks) and a verb (shock, shocks, shocking, shocking). Examples: Noun: Learning her true age was a big shock. Verb: We will shock mom and dad by having this done by the time they get home. The noun forms for the verb to shock are shocker, and the gerund, shocking.

What part of speech is the word shock?

Shock is a noun and a verb. Noun: She was in shock when her unattended car rolled down the hill and crashed into a house. Verb: Your actions shock me.

What is the noun for shocked?

The word 'shocked' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to shock. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The word 'shock' is both a noun (shock, shocks) and a verb (shock, shocks, shocking, shocked).The noun forms of the verb to shock are shocker and the gerund, shocking.Examples sentences:He shocked us all when he graduated with his class. (verb)The shocked audience let out a gasp. (adjective)Much of his writing is meant to shock the reader. (verb)I got an electrical shock when I flipped that switch. (noun)The lead story on the news was a real shocker. (noun)

Is shock an adverb?

No, shock is not an adverb. Shock is typically a noun or a verb. It refers to a sudden and intense feeling or a state of emotional disbelief.

Is shock an adjective?

It can be (a shocked audience, shocked neighbors). The word is the past tense and past participle of the verb (to shock) and more often means a metaphorical "shock" than an actual electric or seismic shock.

Is startled a verb?

Yes, it is a form of the verb "to startle" (to surprise or shock). It is the past tense and past participle of the verb, and can also be used as an adjective (e.g. startled onlookers).

What does shocking mean?

A shock is a violent blow that is delivered without physical contact. It can come from a discharge of electricity ("If you stick a fork in the socket you will get a shock"), a change of temperature ("It was a shock to leave the sauna and jump into the snow"), or an unexpected event ("It was a shock to hear that my niece had suddenly died.") To shock is a verb that means to deliver a shock. A shock can also refer to a hank of hair. ("A shock of chestnut hair fell on his forehead.")

Is the word shocked a noun?

No, shocked is not a noun; it is an adjective. Nouns are words that refer to a person, place, thing, or idea, while adjectives describe or modify nouns. In the case of "shocked," it describes the state of being surprised or stunned.

What part of speech is shocked?

Shocking is a verb. It's the present participle of shock and is used with an auxiliary verb to create the progressive tenses. "She was shocking her brother when their mom screamed for her to stop."Shocking can also be used as an adjective. "We have shocking news to report."

What word has the meaning to reveal a secret?

A good synonym for the phrase "to reveal a secret" would be the word surprise, as a verb. As a verb, surprise means to cause someone astonishment or shock.

How do you spell stupefy?

That is the correct spelling of the verb. To stupefy is to render someone speechless or unable to respond, through shock, surprise, or amazement.

How do you spell stun?

You spelled it correctly in your question.