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A cockroach is able to grow its leg back just like grasshoppers, Spiders, and ladybugs. The leg is still alive after being removed from the body. The new leg can be seen usually after the cockroach molts.

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No they can't. They die three weeks after their head gets chopped off.

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Q: Can cockroach grow back their head if ithas been cut off?
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How long can hissing cockroach grow to?

as long as your c hode

How fast do lashes grow back after false ones have been ripped off?

they wont grow back as fast they might not grow back at all because of the chemicals that have been on them.

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yes your hair will grow backwill grow back.

If you eat a pregnant cockroach will eggs grow in you and can you die?

If you eat a cockroach, it will die and you will digest it. It will turn into food. The exoskeleton will eventually be eliminated in the toilet.

What is the process enables the cockroach nymph to grow?

The prosses is called moulting.

Pet hissing cockroaches missing antennae do they grow back?

Yes, a hissing cockroach has the ability to regrow a missing or broken antennae. They also can regrow limbs that are broken or missing.

How long does it take for a cockroaches egg to grow into an adult cockroach?

3-8 months.

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they may or may not grow back, if it is injured at the base of the horn the horn my grow out again at an unusual angle

Can a piece of ear grow back after its been cut off?


Can cockcroach fly?

Only certain roaches have the ability to actually fly. Examples of these would be, the Asian Cockroach, Australian Cockroach and the Smokey Brown Cockroach.

Parrots claw fell off will it grow back?

It depends, if the root has been removed, no, if not then yes it can grow back, the same as a human nail.

Do the upper and lower back teeth grow back if you pull them out?

Once a person is past childhood, adult teeth do not "grow back" once they've been extracted (pulled out).