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No nobody can see any type of waves

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Q: Can radio waves be seen by animals or humans?
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Can radio waves travel through glass?

Yes, radio waves are a form of electro magnetic wave. Visible light is also a form of electro magnetic waves. Visible light can be seen through glass, just as radio waves can travel through glass.

Does the t.v use radio waves?

Yes. A TV set is a radio receiver.Some of the information it receives on the signal is intended to be heardand is sent to the loudspeaker.Other information received from the signal is intended to be seen and isdisplayed on the screen.

Which has more energy radio wave or x rays?

A gamma wave has more energy than a radio wave.

If you drive away from a radio transmitter does the radio signal you receive from the station get shifted to longer wavelengths?

A: the frequency of a transmitter whatever it is is fixed therefore the frequency will remain the same Clarification: Radio waves are similar to sound waves in some regards, but not really as is implied by this question. I believe the asker is referring to the phenomenon seen with cars and horns, where when moving towards a person, the horn will have a higher pitch (higher frequency shift), and while moving away, will have a lower pitch. The strict answer to the question is yes, there will be a slight frequency shift. The frequency shift is relative to the wave speed, however. Sound waves move relatively slowly through the air (~750mph, 60mph is ~8% of this), which is why moving at 60mph causing very noticeable pitch change. But electromagnetic waves move at the speed of light, or 3 x 10^8 m/s (6.71 x 10^8 mph), so the actual frequency shift will be insignificant unless travelling at a similar speed.

Does a handheld CB radio need an antenna?

Not necessarily, but the antenna does need to be grounded.

Related questions

Radio frequency waves cannot be seen for what reason?

They are not within our visible sensors spectrum

The main difference between a radio wave and a light wave is its?

The main difference between a radio wave and a light wave is their wavelengths. Light waves have shorter wavelengths compared to radio waves. Additionally, light waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen by the human eye, whereas radio waves are typically used for communication and have longer wavelengths.

Can x rays be seen by humans?

no because the wavelength of the waves are too short for us to see

What travels in waves?

Light, sound, and water are examples of things that travel in waves. Light waves can be seen as colors, sound waves allow us to hear sounds, and water waves are seen in oceans and lakes.

What is extremely low frequency radiation?

Low frequency waves are waves with long wavelengths, by definition, since their cycle is slowly repeated. One example is AM radio waves compared to visible light waves. AM radio waves have a frequency of around 1 MegaHertz (1,000,000 s-1) and are around 500 meters long. In contrast, visible light waves have a frequency of around 500 TeraHertz (300,000,000,000,000 s-1) and are around 500 nanometers long (.000000500 meters).

Where can transverse waves be found?

Transverse waves can be found in various natural phenomena, such as electromagnetic waves, light waves, and earthquake waves (S-waves). They are also commonly seen in everyday examples like ripples on water, string vibrations in musical instruments, and seismic waves during volcanic eruptions.

Can radio waves travel through glass?

Yes, radio waves are a form of electro magnetic wave. Visible light is also a form of electro magnetic waves. Visible light can be seen through glass, just as radio waves can travel through glass.

Are radar waves too long to be seen?

Yes. The visible spectrum of light is much shorter than the shortest radar (radio) wave.

Does the t.v use radio waves?

Yes. A TV set is a radio receiver.Some of the information it receives on the signal is intended to be heardand is sent to the loudspeaker.Other information received from the signal is intended to be seen and isdisplayed on the screen.

Why do vets perform exams on healthy animals?

Just like in humans, a lot of diseases cannot be seen.

Is all electromagnetic waves invisible?

No, not all electromagnetic waves are invisible. While some, such as radio waves, microwaves, and infrared waves, are invisible to the human eye, others, like visible light, ultraviolet light, and X-rays, can be seen or detected with the right equipment. For example, visible light waves are responsible for the sense of sight.

What kind of energy can you not see or smell?

Electromagnetic energy, such as light and radio waves, cannot be seen or smelled because it does not have a scent and is not visible to the naked eye.