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Radiation Treatment does not make the patient radio-active you know!

I merely creates heat, similar to a micro-wave oven.

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Q: Can the effect of radiation treatment be passed onto your partner?
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No. That is the simple, short answer. However, technically -- If there is a blood to blood contact there is an obvious chance of passing on anything in your bloodstream to your partner. Though even if you both were bleeding profusely (unlikely) the amount of 'medication' passed on through the blood plasma exchange would be so minimal it would not be detected in the partner not on the medication. In other words, there is no chance of medication having any effect on anyone you have sex with under any possible scenario. The medication is already metabolized in your body, and it is *not* transmitted through sexual chemicals.. ie: Ejaculation. --I would like to add if your partner is highly allergic to a medication you are taking it would be best to err on the side of caution.

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