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I'm sure you can, but you will be in serious pain because your vagina is still sensitive from the one you had weeks before. But it is not safe to have sex within that month you had the abortion. But if you're doing it like that, good luck and I'm praying for you. But I don't think you could even have sex or get pregnant within 1 week of the last abortion unless you are having sex while bleeding.


There is nothing nasty about having sex while bleeding. Think about menstruation It's not nasty or dirty. Some people don't even bleed for an entire week after an abortion. I know that I didn't. Having sex right after an abortion is dangerous because if your cervix hasn't fully closed, you are putting yourself at risk for serious infections. It's a general rule of thumb to wait at least 2 weeks. and go to your follow up appointment.

You should not be having sex that soon after the abortion and considering the changing hormones, how could you know if you were pregnant a second time so soon after the first? You need more than Birth Control.


Sure, if you're pregnant again you can have an abortion. My friend had three abortions in three months. I thought it was an expensive and hard on the body way of birth control. I think now days abortions are too pain free. When I had one it was an all day ordeal and I was fully conscious throughout. Cured me. No way was I ever going to go through that again.

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12y ago

It would be more than 2 months if you count healing from the first one and having time to get pregnant from the second one. But yes it's safe as long as you go to a doctor.

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11y ago

Yes it is.

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Q: Can one have two abortions in one month?
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How much do abortions cost one month into pregnancy?

it costs about $300

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No but she had two miscarriages.

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How do you abort a baby?

There are two types of abortions, medical and surgical. Medical abortions are only effective in the first trimester of pregnancy and are caused by pharmaceutical drugs. They are responsible for about 10% of abortions. Surgical abortions are probably the type of abortions you are referring to, and consist of different methods. One of the most common is vacuum abortion. You remove the fetus by suction from a syringe. If the pregnancy is aborted in a later stage, a type of lethal injection is often used to stop the heart of the unborn fetus.

Can you have two medical abortions?

If you mean another one straight after a failed medical one it is only if the doctor say so. Experimenting with medicine that makes you bleed can be very dangerous. Other than that you can have as many abortions as you need as long as it's under a doctors supervision.

How many abortions can one person get?

There is no limit.

How many abortions have occured with China's one child policy?

It is difficult to determine the exact number of abortions that have occurred under China's one-child policy. The policy, which was implemented from 1979 to 2015, resulted in numerous forced abortions and sterilizations. It is estimated that millions of abortions took place during this period, but an exact figure is not available.

Why is Marilyn Monroe assciated with abortions did she have one?

Yes as she openly admitted that she had slept with a thousand men, she must have had a few abortions.

How many 15 days in a month?

One or two - depending on the month.

Where can one find information on how much do abortions cost in the UK?

One can find out information on the cost of abortions by visiting their doctor. One could also visit Planned Parenthood if there is one in your area for advice.

Which two eqinoxes in the month?

There are two equinoxes per year, separated by about 6 months. There will never be two equinoxes in one month.