I haven't yet had my wisdom tooth out, but I have had alot of pain with it. For the past few months a lymph node in my neck has been swollen. Both the dentist and the doctor has assured me that it is because of and infection in my wisdom tooth. maybe you have just got an infection from getting the tooth removed.
Yes. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause swollen lymph nodes in your head. It is most likely caused from infection. You should go see a dentist, oral surgeon, and/or doctor. The nodes could be swollen for another reason, so if getting them removed doesn't help the swollen lymph nodes you need to see a doctor to find out what is causing the problem.
Some symptoms of problems with the spleen and lymph nodes are itching, fever, chills, and swollen lymph nodes.
Swollen lymph nodes would be a symptom of a disease rather than the disease itself.
tiny vessels
Lymph nodes
I had an enlarged spleen and enlarged lymph nodes and it turned out that I had Mono. I don't think your "spleen" has anything to do with your wisdom teeth coming in. But, in uncommon cases, infection to your wisdom teeth can sometimes cause enlarged lymph nodes, but only if the teeth are "impacted". A dental impaction is where an unearthed tooth is growing in crooked underneath the gumline. This also causes other dental problems such as crooked teeth. If the lymph nodes your are referring to are painless and are swelling with other symptoms, then you might have a serious condition, which also means you need to see a doctor immediately. The swelling in the lymph nodes in your neck are the ones to swell if your teeth are infected from an impaction. Also, only the lower teeth can cause lymph node swelling in your neck. The nodes will be tender, moveable, and causing pain in any way. Any kind of severe infection in your mouth, including a wisdom tooth infection, can cause your lymph nodes to become larger. The spleen should not be directly affected though.
spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, heart, thymus,
Lymph Nodes
Anterior and posterior cervical lymph nodes.
Cephalic lymph nodes are located near the head and neck region, while pectoral lymph nodes are found near the chest area. Cephalic lymph nodes drain lymph from the scalp, face, and neck, while pectoral lymph nodes drain lymph from the breasts and chest wall.