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My cockatiel has never caught an upper respiratory virus that my husband of I have had.

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Q: Can humans give their parakeets a cold?
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How big is a parakeets brain?

Size of 2 peanuts. Parakeets are very low at IQ. Compared to humans,we have about 30 times better intelligence.

Are parakeets mammals?

they are birds Birds are not mammals. Apart from monotremes (parakeets are not in this group) mammals give birth to live young. Parakeets are parrots and produce eggs.

Why do parakeets puff up?

When it gets Cold it helps then kelp warm

How do you amuse parakeets?

Remember, all parakeets are different, like humans. You can get some parakeets or small bird toys at a pet store, and if it is tame and bonded with you, you can try teaching it some tricks or just spending time with it.

Do parakeets give eggs?

yes they do because they are birds

What kind of water do parakeets drink?

My parakeets drink any kind of water but I recommend not giving them freezing water, water that is not too cold but not too warm

Is oleander poisonous to parakeets?

Yes. Oleander is a poisonous plant in general to humans and animals.

Can parakeets play with action figures?

Of course, parakeets love action figures. Give your parakeet a crappy one though. It will probably be destroyed.

What happens to parakeets when you give them beer?

They pass away and stiffen up

What do tundras provide for humans?

they give them cold air and wind which helps them geenerate power and elecrtricity

Can parakeets speak like humans?

no but if u teach them how to whistle they will copy teach them for a long time until they get it

What animal can give you a cold?

This is a old wise tale. The viruses that give us colds, and the viruses that give our pets colds are not the same. Colds for example are a upper respiratory disease in dogs and cats. None of these can be transmitted to humans or from humans to our pets.