It is not recommended to feed biscuits to hamsters as they are high in sugar, fat, and can upset their digestive system. It is best to stick to a diet of hamster pellets, fresh fruits, and vegetables.
to make a cheesecake you will need to use about 8 digestive biscuits (you can use more than 8 if you want)
There are small holes in mcvities digestive biscuits because when they are baking them in the oven, the biscuits need some "air" so that they do get baked properly. (no mushy stuff left in the middle) lol.
In recipes calling for digestive biscuits, it is common to substitute graham crackers in the United States and Canada. The original graham cracker is called a "digestive biscuit" in Britain. However, graham crackers are typically a little dryer and more brittle.
A digesive Biscuit is a wheat biscuit, sometimes with chocolate on the botom=]
The McVities ones are made in West London, UK.
Chocolate Digestive or Yorkshire Biscuits
They can eat daog biscuits but please cut them into sizes that your hamster is comfortable eating.
the bottom layer of a cheesecake, usually made from crumbled digestive biscuits and melted butter