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Believe it or not the very common guppies can become frogs!!! First they are guppies, then they become tadpoles,grow legs then you have a frog!

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Q: Can guppies become frogs
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Related questions

Do guppies eat frogs?

Guppies aren't large enough to eat frogs.

Can guppies and dwarf frogs live in the same tank?

Yes, no problem, just do not overstock the tank.

Reptiles and frogs don't have gills?

No, they don't. Baby frogs (tadpoles) do but they grow lungs when they become frogs.

What are suitable tank mates for African clawed frogs?

Suitable tank mates for African clawed frogs include peaceful fish like guppies, mollies, and neon tetras, as well as snails and shrimp. Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish that may harm the frogs.

What are suitable tank mates for albino African clawed frogs?

Suitable tank mates for albino African clawed frogs include peaceful fish like tetras, guppies, and mollies, as well as snails and shrimp. Avoid aggressive or large fish that may harm the frogs.

What hatches from a frog?

Eggs which become tadpoles which become frogs

What are suitable tank mates for albino clawed frogs?

Suitable tank mates for albino clawed frogs include peaceful fish like tetras, guppies, and mollies, as well as other aquatic species such as snails and shrimp. It is important to avoid aggressive or large fish that may harm the frogs.

Which frogs are larger as tadpoles than as full-grown frogs?

None of them. Tadpoles hatch and grow, then undergrow metamorphosis to become frogs. And they continue to grow as frogs.

Are guppies and tadpoles the same?

It depends on the way you look at them, yes they are amphibious and they look similar, but you can tell it's a frog because it is mainly in water and look smooth, and you know it's a toad Because it looks old and warty. You can find them both near water because they both need it. Hope this answered your question. :)

What do african clawed frogs eat aside from guppies and worms?

As tadpolls, it mostly eats vegitable matter. As an adult the frog will eat live prey like fish, tadpolls, or insects. The also love frozen or live blood worm or any other type of worm.

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What is the young a frog?

Frogs lay eggs that hatch into tadpoles. Tadpoles grow up and become frogs.