Can I get pregnant I'm 39 n I have my tubes tied for 13
No ! Tisane cannot make you pregnant, EVER.
No impossible
You should torture, behead and nuke your tubes just to be sure.
If you are pregnant and your tubes are tied afterwords, you should be fine. but that means you can't get pregnant again.
Can I get pregnant I'm 39 n I have my tubes tied for 13
less than 2% of wemen get pregnant after their tubes have been tied.
No, you can't get pregnant with your tubes tied.
None. Women have their fallopian tubes tied when they no longer want to get pregnant.
You can't get pregnant by taking pills, no matter what you do to your tubes.
Having your tubes tied is not entirely effective, if you've gotten pregnant once with them tied chances are you can again.
u can get pregnant if your tube were tied and not burned
I mit be pregnant cause my tubes tied its been 4 years yes u can