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My eyes have gone from blue-grey when I'm depressed to bright blue when I'm crying to bright green when I'm very um, satisfied... blue-green which is my normal color now, all the way to brown when I am very angry and I have been told once after a very intense fight they were dark brown. My eyes were a pale to light blue up until about 5 years ago, when the changed to blue-green. Guess age can effect eye color as well.

I have been told by an optometrist that your eyes do not technically change color, but the pigments in the iris shifting due to the changes in mood making the color of your eyes appear to change. At which point I stated, so the pigments in the iris shift to make it appear to be a different color, is that not the same as changing color, even if it is temporary? I mean if you look at an eye and it's blue one minute, and green the next then the color changed. It really doesn't matter what the factors are, the color / shade did in fact change. At which point in time she agreed.

Yes its possible, my eyes change color all the time with my mood. Most often my eyes are a sky blue and when I get angry my eyes change to a bright green. But then there are other days where they will change to grey when I'm stressed. My fathers eyes do the same thing but I haven't met anyone with this with darker eyes.

Yes, it is possible for eyes to change colour. My eye's are brown but at different times can have bits of grey, green and yellow. For me, its nothing to do with my mood but my friend's eyes do change with her mood and my mother's eyes change depending on her health.

I have something to add! I have hazel green eyes, which look brown allot of the time because the brown part in the hazel is a dark brown. But my eyes turn green when I am serene and happy in my life...if it's the summer. If it' the winter, this doesn't happen as much. I have some people remember me completely as having green eyes, and some who remember me as a brown eyed person. for me, remember whether a person has light or dark eyes is a simple I don't think someone would recall brown (dark) vs. green (light) incorrectly...

My eyes are green, they get a light green when I'm a bit more excited(like when im irritated), and dark green when im more calm. when i feel somewhat lonely they get a bit grey.

Um......hi! my eyes change a wide variety of colors depending on my mood...... Dark Chocolate brown; sad or been crying. light-brown with a light green ring around them; happy or somewhat excited. normal brown;nutral. green; hyper or super excited. deep blue; if i have been sick or hurt....and sometimes if i get depressed. hope that helped but i have never met anyone who's eyes change to this extent.......if there is any one out there please email me at :] thanks!

It's possible. I have blue eyes and they change colours like grey and green. Most of the time they're half-green and half-grey and half-blue (it's hard to explain). It's like they are all in one colour. But when I wear something blue, my eyes will turn real blue. I think it depends on the colours you wear or the mood.

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13y ago

yes it is possible there this one kid named james in my class in 5th grade people would always make fun of him and when they would make him really mad his eyes would go from blue to dark green it was really weird but cool at the same time

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7y ago

The pigment in your eyes does not change. That being said, your eyes adjust to the lighting conditions may appear to change color. Your mood can alter the muscles in your face to change the lighting conditions.

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14y ago

No. But colored contacts might work.

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