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it's active ingredient is oxycodone, which is the same active ingredient as I believe, morphine.

Endocet has a fair amount of acetimophen in it (bad for the liver in high doses) so I wouldn't take more than 7-8 of them at one time, but that would easily be enough to get a strong high going.

Oxycodone (active ingredient) however, is PHYSICALLY addictive, meaning you will go through terrible withdrawl, with flu like symptons and potentially seizures.

If you are looking to get high off of them, if it's your first time, take about 4-6, chew them so you can break down the time realease, but it might make you puke.

It's not a good drugs to mess around with, but it's a fun one for parties, it loosens you up, and gives you a sense of wellbeing, with a mild body high.

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