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Some cats are allergic to dust mites. It can cause them to scratch, chew, or lick their hair out. If tested, they can be started on immunotherapy injections or other medications.

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14y ago
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15y ago

yes they can u just gotta research this kind of stuff

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16y ago

Maybe not sick but allergic.

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Q: Can dust mites make dog sick?
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First of all don't let your dog play with a sick dog. Tell the owner of the sick dog to take it into a Veterinarian. If your dog is losing large amounts of hair or has bald spots on his coat, take him into your Veterinarian to be checked out for such things as demodex or sarcoptic mange mites or other issues. Losing small amounts of hair is normal as they are shedding. Make sure you have your dog on a good brand name of dog food.

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