Ducks and other birds commonly carry the salmonella bacteria in their digestive tracts, and they are not particularly discriminating as to where they defecate. They can also be infected with the H5N1 Bird Flu, and several people in Asia who handled ducks died from the virus.
Certain Peope are allergic to the proteins in the white of the duck egg which are entirely different from hose in a chicken egg
no because they will get sick
No,cause you could get other people sick
Yes, it can.
because their ducks and ducks fly and also cause they feel like it
No. Ducks are very diffrent some are pure white and some are green.
Like kids and other people is can cause them to get sick and also cause death
Marijuana can get you sick cuz when its growing germs get on the bud and when you smoke it the germs get into your body and you get sick if you have not had the germ.
Probably, most ducks eat grass and vegetation. Most people think that ducks eat or like bread. But surprisingly the bread gets them very sick and can get stuck in a little pouch of skin in the duck's throat.
Ducks are eaten by people. Who are crazy TROLL
Factors are bad because they cause pollution to the air which can get people sick