they can but the citric acid makes the fruit taste sour. some dogs vomit after eating Oranges. but they are not toxic to dogs.
Wild animals such as some birds like thrushes, mockingbirds, and jays may eat tangerines. However, they are not a preferred food source for most wild animals due to their citrusy taste.
Can dogs eat noodles
yes some like dogs can eat peanuts but give them to many or they will get fat
It is not safe or appropriate for dogs to eat bunnies. Bunnies are living animals and should be treated with care and respect, not used as food for dogs. Feeding bunnies to dogs can be harmful to both animals and is not recommended.
Yep, dogs can eat pretty much anything except chocolate.
Wild animals such as some birds like thrushes, mockingbirds, and jays may eat tangerines. However, they are not a preferred food source for most wild animals due to their citrusy taste.
big bright orange tangerines!
What might effect one dog, won't effect every other dog. They're individuals just like people. That said, many dogs simply do not like citrus fruits. If your dog likes tangerines, it's okay to give him/her a segment or two. Too much of a good thing can cause lose stools or diarrhea.
No reason why not - although they may find the fruit a little tangy for their taste.
Can dogs eat noodles
can dogs eat sauerkrauft
no leopards do not eat dogs
tangerines grow on trees. why would you think that they grow on bushes??
No, egyptians did not eat dogs.
NO, lol but dogs eat beans
Some related crops to tangerines are lemons,limes ,grapefruit, apples,and promogranties