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Discharge should be yellowish in color. Sperm is white. If you have discharge, it's time to see a doctor.

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9mo ago

Discharge and sperm can look similar in color and texture, but they come from different parts of the body. Discharge is produced by the vagina and cervix to maintain vaginal health, while sperm is produced in the testicles. If you are unsure, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

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Q: Can dicharge be mistaken for sperm?
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I was a pikachu and piplup when I started. Piplup uses hydro pump on ryperior the pikachu uses dicharge.(keep using this move I was a pikachu and piplup when I started. Piplup uses hydro pump on ryperior the pikachu uses dicharge.(keep using this move I was a pikachu and piplup when I started. Piplup uses hydro pump on ryperior the pikachu uses dicharge.(keep using this move

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How long will it take to start your period if you have had dicharge?

It will take 4-6 weeks untill you will start to see tiny droplet's.

What is a sentence with the word mistaken in it?

You are mistaken, sir. She was mistaken when she said it was raining.

What is the present perfect tense for mistake?

The present perfect tense of "mistake" is "have mistaken" or "has mistaken." For example, "I have mistaken your intentions" or "She has mistaken the time of the meeting."

What type of pantliner is right for you?

well if you get alot of vaginal dicharge choose always long liners if you need more info ask me

Why are sperm whales called sperms whales?

It has a substance in its head called spermaceti which is milky white and used to be mistaken for sperm. It had various commercial uses that made it quite valuable. It's thought to be associated with the animal's hearing, by helping its ears detect sound when under the water."The name comes from the milky-white waxy substance, spermaceti, found in its head . " ~ WikipediaI believe it is named after the spermaceti that can be extracted from the whale's head. It is a white, milky substance that can easily be (and has been) mistaken for the whale's seman.You're right: it is. It forms a fatty structure that may be connected with the animal's hearing underwater.Obviously as mammals the male sperm whales also make reproductive sperm - but not in their heads as the old-time whale-hunters mistakenly thought!

How many syllables does Mistaken have?

Mistaken has three syllables.

Can a herpes diagnosis be mistaken?

Herpes can be mistaken, but usually not.