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Raw potatoes yes. This used to be a fodder for cows back in the old days when people could not afford to buy hay. It is a favorite of some cows.

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No, and they shouldn't.

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Yes, my calves LOVE the over ripe ones typically used for baking

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Q: Can cattle eat potatoes
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Do you eat potatoes I DO?

Yes, I eat potatoes. They can be very delicious. :)

Can chihuahua eat sweet potatoes?

No. Chihuahuas cannot eat sweeet potatoes.

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EXPLOSIVE, RADIOACTIVE potatoes warning do not eat potatoes

You are a diabetic can you still eat potatoes?

Sure, eat potatoes, and be sure to take your insulin.

Can dogs eat raw sweet potato?

a dog can eat sweet potatoes

What do Idaho people eat?

Potatoes...lots of potatoes.

Should you eat potatoes on your birthday?

Absolutely, actually you should only eat potatoes on your birthday.

What will highland cattle eat and do they eat vegetables?

It will eat grass and plants other cattle would rather avoid.

What did the acient kushite eat?

They ate different types of plants Such as Yams (sweet potatoes), beans, rice, onions, sorghum, millet, papaya, gourds, cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, cotton, and peanuts.

Why is the potato beetle the most hated beetle?

They eat potatoes. And we want to eat those potatoes, too.