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Q: Can cognac be substituted for bourbon?
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Can you substitue Cognac for bourban?

No, not really. Not in cooking and not in mixed drinks. Cognac is a type of brandy from a certain region in France. Brandy is made from distilled wine (which is made from grapes). Bourbon, on the other hand, is an American Whiskey made (primarily) from corn. In cooking, cognac can mostly be substituted with other brandies. In mixed drinks cognac can sometimes be substituted, but often that just makes a different drink. In cooking, bourbon can be substituted with other whiskys and scotches. For drinking, though, many people are very particular about what they drink and from which suppliers.

Can crown royal be substituted for bourbon in cooking?

Crown royal could be substituted for bourbon in cooking. The desired taste may be off what you're looking for, though.

What other liquor could be substituted for Pernod in a recipe?

You might be able to substitute Scotch or Bourbon. It depends on what you are trying to cook. Upon reflection, you could always use Cognac. That's liqueur brandy.

Can Seagrams VO be substituted for bourbon in a frozen slush drink?

Yes, that is a good substitution.

What alcoholic drinks were popular in the 1940's?

Beers were Busweiser and Shlitz. As for hard liqour, many ads for Cognac and bourbon were around.

Is bourbon a good substitute for brandy when cooking?

It depends on the recipe, but typically no. Cherries Jubilee for instance requires brandy. Brandy cakes and hard sauces can use bourbon but the taste will change. Flavored brandies can't typically be substituted, and specific recipes flavored with brandy won't taste the same flavored with bourbon.

How do you differentiate a brandy from a cognac?

All cognac is brandy. Only brandy that is produced in Cognac, France is cognac

Is hennessy a cordial or a cognac?

A Cognac.

What is the birth name of Yonatan Cognac?

Yonatan Cognac's birth name is Avraham Cognac.

Is a brandy a cognac?

Cognac is aged brandy

Is Hennessy Classique a vs cognac?

There is one Hennessy Hennessy Classivm Cognac which is an Xo. I don't know the Classique the VS cognac is a classic Cognac

What is the population of Cognac?

The population of Cognac, France is around 18,000 people.