I believe the turtle floats-being guided by his legs...however he may dive and remain stationary on the bottom of the water he is in for a proscribed amount of time
Sure they can swim but nowhere near as good as an aquatic turtle so they avoid fast moving bodies of water and usually will not venture in deeper than the height of their shell - they seem to know they can be swept away. Often when they are sick they will seek water to soak in and often will die soaking in the water.
No ornate box turtles are not aquatic turtles. They are usually found in grasslands
Yes they do!
insects and meat
200miles an hour
The box turtle population is going down and there is a project to save the Ornate Box Turtle. Some are run over by cars as they attempt to cross roads.http://wiatri.net/Inventory/WiTurtles/Turtles/naturalHistory.cfm
Ornate does not refer to the size of the box, rather the decoration. An ornate box would be a box decorated with a good deal of intricate work.
Ornate wood turtles are sometimes called painted turtles. There is also a water turtle that is known as a painted turtle.
The only box turtles indigenous to Kansas are the Ornate box turtle and the Three toed box turtle. They both grow to an adult shell length of 6 inches. The biggest box turtles are Gulf Coast box turtles (not in Kansas) and they can grow to 8 inches or more in length. To answer your question, the state they are in has no affect on how big they grow so if you put a gulf coast box turtle in Kansas it can still grow to 8 inches or more.:-)
80 years
Of course they can swim, that's why they are marine turtles, you know mariners.
Sea Turtles swim in the sea because they eat fish.
Turtles just drink the water that they swim in.