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Some can, while others can not. It depends on the type of virus. Often, non enveloped viruses are more resistant to low pH, such as the enteroviruses. On the other hand, many enveloped RNA viruses are very sensitive to low pH, and can be inactivated by acid wash.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Some bacteria are able to thrive in low pH environments, known as acidophiles. These bacteria have adapted mechanisms to maintain their internal pH and survive in acidic conditions. Examples of acidic environments where acidophiles can thrive include acidic hot springs and low pH soils.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, however each and every bacteria has its limitations as to what it can withstand. For example, aerobic bacteria need a predominately oxygenated environment in order to survive, whereas anaerobic bacteria require little to no oxygen for survival, with increases oxygen levels causing a decreasing yield of said bacteria.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes acid can kill bacteria, however it can only kill certain types of bacteria. This is because some bacteria cannot survive in extreme environments. This is kind of like humans. We cannot live in super hot or super cold environment's. Bacteria cannot either unless they have the ability to. Putting bacteria in an acidic environment can cause it to die.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Yes. There are all types of bacteria. Some prefer acidic conditions, some prefer basic. Some can survive freezing temps, while others live in hot springs.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

yes. Bacteria are everywhere, theres different types for different conditions.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, I'm pretty sure they do

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Q: Can bacteria thrive in an environment low in pH?
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What is the soil pH of a chaparral?

The soil pH of chaparral environments typically ranges from slightly acidic to neutral, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. This pH range is suitable for the diverse plant species that thrive in chaparral regions.

Why do farmers and gardeners want to neutralize their soil?

Farmers and gardeners may want to neutralize their soil to optimize nutrient availability for plant growth. pH levels that are too high or too low can impact the uptake of essential nutrients by plants. Neutralizing the soil can help create a more balanced environment for plants to thrive.

What is the pH of neutral soil?

The pH of neutral soil is around 7.0. This means that the soil is neither acidic nor alkaline, which is ideal for most plants to grow and thrive.

Dipotassium phosphate is a buffer added to EMB that adjust the pH to the proper starting level What would be the possible consequences of adding buffers to raise the starting pH to 7.8?

Raising the starting pH of EMB agar to 7.8 may inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that prefer lower pH environments. This could lead to inaccurate results in selective isolation of target organisms. Additionally, high pH levels may also interfere with the ability of indicators in the media to function properly, affecting the ability to differentiate between different bacterial species.

Is marshland soil acidic or basic?

Marshland soil can vary in pH, but it is generally acidic due to the presence of decaying organic matter and the wet, low-oxygen environment favoring the production of acids.

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Can bacteria thrive in an environment that is low in pH such as lemon juice?

tru or false

Stomach acidity is in the range of pH 1 to 2. How might this inhibit the growth of ingested bacteria?

The low pH will dissolve the cell walls of the bacteria, killing it. Bacteria generally like a slightly alkaline environment to thrive, but not always.

How does stomach acid kill our bacteria?

A large portion of bacteria, though not all, can not survive in a low pH environment such as stomach acid. The bacteria dies from the corresive nature of low a low pH solution.

What do bacteria need to thrive?

Bacteria need a food source, a suitable temperature, proper pH levels, and moisture to thrive. They also require a conducive environment with oxygen levels appropriate for their metabolic processes.

Why honey is free from bacteria?

Honey's low water content and acidic pH create an inhospitable environment for bacteria to grow and thrive. Additionally, bees add an enzyme called glucose oxidase to honey, which produces hydrogen peroxide when honey comes into contact with moisture, further inhibiting bacterial growth.

Why does a milkman shift the pH of fresh milk from 6 to slightly alkaline?

Shifting the pH slightly alkaline helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in fresh milk. This adjustment creates a less favorable environment for bacteria to thrive, extending the shelf life of the milk and maintaining its quality for consumption.

Does pH of 2 - 3.8 help to kill bacteria?

A pH of 2 - 3.8 is highly acidic and can help to kill bacteria. This acidity disrupts the bacterial cell membranes and denatures their proteins, leading to cell death. However, it is important to note that not all bacteria are equally sensitive to acidity, so some strains may still survive or be able to adapt.

What are the four basic elements for bacteria to grow?

The four basic elements for bacteria to grow are a food source (nutrients), moisture (water), a suitable temperature, and a favorable environment (pH and oxygen levels). Without one or more of these elements, bacteria may not be able to thrive and reproduce effectively.

Under what conditions do bacteria thrive and reproduce?

Bacteria thrive and reproduce in conditions that provide food, moisture, warmth, and a suitable pH level. They prefer environments where nutrients are readily available and where competition from other organisms is limited. Additionally, bacteria reproduce rapidly under optimal conditions, allowing them to quickly increase in numbers.

How might the pH level of the stomach inhibit growth of ingested bacteria?

Many bacteria doesn't support a very low pH.

How do microorganisms change the pH of their own environment?

Microorganisms change the pH of their environment by secreting acids or bases as byproducts of their metabolism. For example, bacteria that produce lactic acid can lower the pH of their environment, while ammonia-producing bacteria can raise the pH. These changes in pH can create optimal conditions for the growth and survival of the microorganisms.

What is the pH of salmonella?

The pH of Salmonella bacteria is typically around 7.2 to 7.6, which is slightly alkaline. This pH range allows Salmonella to survive and thrive in the host's intestinal tract.