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Yes!! Of course they can!! Today's radiotherapy machines are know as Linear Accelerators which are electric and once they are shut off they are off no radiation leaks, or go anywhere. They do not have a live source, and you do not become radioactive when you are receiving radiation therapy.

You can't harm others, and you can't spread radiation to others. The only thing you can't do is be in the room with them when they are receiving the treatment.

Other than that being around family is a great way for the person with cancer to get better it picks up their spirits, and improves their quality of life.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Certainly; cancer is not an an infectious disease, and radiation treatment does not make patients radioactive. It's perfectly safe to be around radiation patients. Swine Flu is another matter.

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16y ago

If the patient is receiving external beam radiation. Radiation given on a daily outpatient basis then yes there is no exposure danger.

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