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Q: Can asbestos on a fire proof safe be sealed?
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Related questions

Was asbestos used in fire proof safes?

Yes, asbestos was commonly used in fireproof safes to provide insulation and fire resistance. However, due to the health risks associated with asbestos exposure, its use in safes has been phased out in favor of safer alternatives.

What is the sentence for fire proof?

The sentence for "fireproof" is typically a fine or imprisonment if used fraudulently to mislead others about the ability to withstand fire.

How do you fire proof your home?

The best way to fire proof your home is to have firesafe drywall. You can also make sure your outlets are safe.

How do you get the drawers out of a york fire proof safe?

nobody will ever no

Where can I buy a fire proof safe?

A fire proof safe can be bought online via Amazon. The seller will usually be a third party company but they will have reviews which it is worth checking before making the actual purchase.

Is removal of asbestos corrugated roofing safe?

Removal of asbestos corrugated roofing safe if done properly.

Is vermiculite without asbestos safe?

Vermiculite is a by product of asbestos so it not really asbestos free.

How do you stay safe from fire?

have fire proof doors. unplug all sockets before leaving the house or sleeping.

What is the antonyms for unprotected?

protected, sheltered, safe, secure, safeguarded, shielded, covered, locked, tamper-proof, inaccessible, sealed, impenetrable

Where can I purchase a fire proof safe? has many fire-proof safes for a variety of prices. If you're uncomfortable buying online, your local office supply store should have them available.

What is the most common size and weight of a fire proof data safe?

You can purchase fire proof data safe online at, or It would be beneficial online, therefore you can compare prices, read reviews and return your product with no hassle.

Who guards the declaration of independence?

It is in the National archives and in a sealed bullet proof case. During the day it can be viewed, but at night it goes into a special safe below the case. The whole case lowers into the floor and safe.